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Friday, August 24, 2007

Spring Web Services 1.0 Released

Interface21 has released Spring Web Services 1.0, a Java-based framework
for managing SOAP and Plain Old XML (POX) web services. One of primary
design goals was to make the web service best practices also the easiest
practices, so Spring-WS uses a contract-first, document-driven approach
to provide more flexibility and avoid common interoperability issues in
creating and consuming web services. In Spring-WS, loose coupling
between the web services contract and implementation, allows developers
to manipulate the XML payload in multiple ways. Spring-WS supports
standard JAXP APIs including DOM, SAX, and StAX, as well as JDOM, dom4j,
XOM, or even marshalling technologies. Spring WS also includes a
separate Object/XML Mapping module to support JAXB 1 and 2, Castor,
XMLBeans, JiBX, and XStream. The Object/XML Mapping module can also
be used in non-web services code. Interface21 is well known for the
popular Spring Framework, the layered Java application framework
created by Interface21's CEO, Rod Johnson. In a statement from company,
Rod explained the importance of modularity in the design of Spring Web
Services: "With Spring Web Services 1.0, we have applied these same
modular design concepts in order to deliver advanced integration and
a more flexible, powerful programming model to developers working with
sophisticated Web services." Spring-WS was developed with Apache's
Maven software project management tool and is licensed under the Apache
license. It is available for download.

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