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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Web Applications Format and WS-ResourceTransfer Both Overload Alleged

've been reviewing the Access Control for Cross-site Requests document.
One interesting aspect of the document is that it specifies how a web
site can authorize other web sites to do non-GET operations such as
PUT or DELETE. The client makes an authorization request by creating
an HTTP GET with the http header Method-Check. The server then responds
with an HTTP Response containing Access-Control HTTP Headers or even
an XML document with Processing Instructions. The part that I found
very interesting is that it seems that the client's authorization
request isn't really for the resource identified by the URI, because
the goal is to actually get the authorization information. Thus, an
HTTP GET has been over-ridden to be a GET of metadata about a resource.
Also interestingly, if the URI for some reason doesn't know about the
Method-Check header, then it will return the "wrong" representation,
that is the actual representation. There is no way of requiring that
the server knows about the Method-Check request. Over in WS-* land,
WS-ResourceTransfer is a specification that uses a SOAP header
wsrt:ResourceTransfer to indicate that there may be RT specific
extensions to the WS-Transfer operation, such as GET. Because it uses
a SOAP header, it can use the soap:mustUnderstand attribute to require
that the server understand it. Seems to me like this is an interesting
case of where SOAP solves a problem that the Access Control for
Cross-site requests has, that is the ability to mark a header as
mustUnderstand. This isn't surprising, given that SOAP was exactly
created to solve problems with HTTP headers. More Information

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