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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

IBM DB2 Viper 2 Improves Transactional XML Data Performance

IBM has introduced the DB2 9.5 'Viper 2' data server, featuring new
data automation and performance enhancements that will dramatically
improve the way customers store, manage and access business information.
Enhancements include: automatic deep compression to save storage
capacity and costs as a customer's database grows; autonomic memory
management to reduce administrative burdens on database administrators;
and integrated automated failover and backup to simplify system set-up
and minimize downtime. Many DB2 customers have leveraged the unique
XML capabilities provided by this hybrid data server to transform
their use of XML from a convenient way of representing data to a true
business asset. DB2 9.5 extends the extremely efficient management and
querying capabilities of pureXML with the performance and efficiency
required to leverage XML in a large scale transaction environment. To
accomplish this, we first streamlined the management of small XML
documents to minimize I/O and conserve storage space. In fact, pureXML
can store these XML documents in about half the space required for
restoring them in flat files or LOBs. The result is additional
performance gains as much as 2x for a general transaction processing
workload and as much as 5x for bulk inserts w/shema validation. DB2 9.5
is also the first major database to support the XQuery update standard.
With this comes the ability for sub-document updates that can
signifcantly improve performance when changing only a piece of the
XML document. More Information See also the product description: Click Here

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