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Monday, October 29, 2007

RDFa Primer: Embedding Structured Data in Web Pages

The updated version of "RDFa Primer" provides an introduction to RDFa,
a method for structuring data by embedding in XHTML. This version of
the RDFa Primer is a substantial update to the previous version,
representing several design changes since the previous version was
published. Current Web pages, written in XHTML, contain inherent
structured data: calendar events, contact information, photo captions,
song titles, copyright licensing information, etc. When authors and
publishers can express this data precisely, and when tools can read
it robustly, a new world of user functionality becomes available,
letting users transfer structured data between applications and Web
sites. An event on a Web page can be directly imported into a desktop
calendar. A license on a document can be detected to inform the user
of his rights automatically. A photo's creator, camera setting
information, resolution, and topic can be published as easily as the
original photo itself. RDFa lets XHTML authors express this structured
data using existing XHTML attributes and a handful of new ones. Where
data, such as a photo caption, is already present on the page for
human readers, the author need not repeat it for automated processes
to access it. A Web publisher can easily reuse data fields, e.g. an
event's date, defined by other publishers, or create new ones
altogether. RDFa gets its expressive power from RDF, though the reader
need not understand RDF before reading this document. RDFa uses Compact
URIs, which express a URI using a prefix. More Information

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