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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Radar Networks Ties Together Web 2.0, Semantic Web With 'Twine'

This article presents an online knowledge management service that ties
together social networking, wikis, and blogging with RDF, OWL, SPARQL,
and XSL technologies. Startup Radar Networks has launched in private
beta an online knowledge management system that's among the first to
use computer-driving semantic Web technologies to find and organize
information for people. Called Twine, the service was unveiled at the
Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco last week. The service has elements of
Web 2.0 technologies, such as social networking, wikis, and blogging,
but goes a step further with an underlying platform built on Web 3.0
technologies defined by the Worldwide Web Consortium. Those technologies
include RDF (Resource Definition Framework), OWL (a markup language),
SPARQL (an RDF query language), and XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language).
In general, the service enables a person, or groups of people, to
organize information and share it with others. People can upload
contacts, pictures, and documents from their desktops, and save text,
videos, and images from Web sites. Twine also uses software agents to
import content and metadata from other sites, based on the knowledge
the system builds about the user... Data brought into Twine is analyzed
and tagged, with the system understanding if the keywords refer to
people, places, or things. The tags are listed on a user's Twine page.
Clicking on the keyword will bring up all the related information
saved by the user or shared by other people in his network. Radar
Networks, funded by Leapfrog Ventures and Microsoft co-founder Paul
Allen's Vulcan Capital, believes that the semantic Web will enable it
to build a knowledge network that provides users with a richer
experience than other services using older technologies. More Information See also Tim O'Reilly's blog: Click Here

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